I deleted it because I gave it some thought,and felt that was putting too much out there,for both you and me.
but I meant what I said.
walking away from the left/right polemic is a great first step my friend.
next,separate the party from the people.
I agree the dems are coming off the rails,and have been for decades.it is just now becoming where they cant hide it anymore.
but I don't hold that against someone who may vote democrat.
just like I will be critical of trump,but don't hold a republican responsible,or conflate the two.
that's the identity politics I speak of when I accuse someone of playing it.
not the hyper-contextualized crap sargon of Akkad peddles.
I am in the shit right now because people from the right don't like to hear that Pelosi has a case,(because she does) and the libs clap and applaud.
then I postulate that it is political suicide and may have just handed 2020 to trump.
they don't like that.
but it's the truth.
it is my opinion,but I have been in this game for 30 years.
I got some chops.
remember I told you two weeks ago to watch out for warren?
/looks at polls.
the best thing I can offer is that sometimes we have to step away from something we are passionate about,and regroup,clear our head.
and I would suggest that you fill your "toolbox",
go and consume the great political theorists of our time.
like Sheldon wolin,or karl polyani
I think every American should read howard zinn,and the peoples history of America
another great (and I would like to say required) is noam Chomsky's manufacturing consent (this is the book that started my political awakening.
chris hedges and death of the liberal class.
mark blythe and austerity and the history of dangerous ideas
I mean,i could list all day.
and you don't even have to read these books.they are usually youtube videos about them
but these academics,intellectuals and Pulitzer prize winners will give you a really strong foundation.a foundation that can protect you from the constant barrage of bullshit we are all subjected to everyday.
from my perspective,you a true blue bro.
and you enjoy politics,but you won't get what you need from tim pool,dave rubin or Stefan molynuea
I listen to lectures while I play video games.
if you want,i would be happy to help you in any way brother.