Let's leave out the inconvenient parts of government control over banking, housing, increased debt and creeping socialism the New Deal brought with it.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: 32nd President USA; FDR’s New Deal protected the bank deposits of Americans, provided electric power to rural areas, created or improved thousands of parks that we still use today, modernized our infrastructure, guarded against fraud on Wall Street, and gave jobs to workers who had been cast aside by big business. He had trees planted in areas that had been wiped out by the logging industry, Republican members of Congress denounced FDR as a dictator and Social Security as a Communist plot to destroy the Constitution. Ayn Rand: Conservative novelist and philosopher; Ayn Rand, perhaps more than any other person, is responsible for the political right's philosophy that the government should not help the less fortunate. In 1936, Ayn Rand wrote, "My feeling for the New Deal is growing colder and colder. In fact, it's growing so cold that it's coming to the boiling point of hatred"; It is up to the American people to choose the New Deal path over the "Virtue of Selfishness" path - because the latter has unsettled our nation with extreme income & wealth inequality, an enormous national debt, stagnant wages, crushing student loan debt, regressive taxation at the state & local level, racial and religious tension and hatred of the poor.