Let me break it down for you.
You defended Right Wing Republicans,
- Some yes mainly just Trump, There are things I don't like about the guy
But there are things I happened to agree with. I was actually just Bashing Bush Sr (along with Clinton) Yesterday on NAFTA (Does Bush count as GOP?)
Whether you call yourself "Independent EdgeLord" is irrelevant.
I happen to be right and left on many issues
True I will NEVER vote for Democrats again, It doesn't mean the GOP has my vote
"Right Wing Republicans are filled with racists" Filled? There are Racist in every party, etc.Keep saying that Mantra, If you tell a lie long enough it will become truth for you.
You chose to you a tactic called "Whataboutism" - as in "What about Governor Northam" to mischaracterize the Liberal voters as the 'real racists'
Actually I was simply pointing out the Liberal Hypocrisy with the Dems and Northam .period, some called for his resignation, but after 15 mins , meh...
You keep saying the GOP is Full of Racist and allude that they are Klansmen when the Klan has actually very small numbers FBI stats under 16k nationwide. 16k too many but there are more dangerous groups in the USA now and I doubt t they are GOP