Let me explain. The only reason I've given the sequels a chance for this long is because I've been a fan of Star Wars for my entire life. I thought The Force Awakens was underwhelming, but I was willing to give it the benefit of doubt, hoping the next one would be better. When every Star Wars movie since kills off its main characters and/or forces identity politics on the viewers, not to mention when its creators actively treat the white, male members of the Star Wars fanbase (IE, the majority of said fanbase) like crap, that's where I draw the line. That's not even where it ends. EA's Star Wars: Battlefront II lopped off the legs of the franchise already broken by Disney, by plaguing the game with lootboxes that you have to pay real-world money for, with no guarantee that you'll get what you want. Needless to say, this this qualifies as gambling. I believe that because of the increasing push of SJW bullshit over a coherent storyline and likeable characters, Star Wars IX will be dead by the time the trailer is released.