You're right. The innocent turtle shouldn't be made the butt of jokes because an evil scavenger like McConnell lacks a lower jaw & has spent a lifetime taking his deficits out on everyone else!
MiniApplels,yes,a snake DOES immediately come to mind!
But as a gardener,I've seen that snakes perform valuable disease control services by controlling rodent populations-so even they have redeeming qualities, while McConnell has none!
I think I have a suggestion you might enjoy;the Komodo Dragon!
These huge nasty carrion eaters have a venomous bite.
They'll eat anything,including their own young,which flee into the trees to avoid being Mommy's snack!
Komodos are NOT the protective mothers that crocodiles & alligator mamas are.
Komodos sneak into people's homes & chomp on their feet.
They carry off children & eat them alive. Even if prompt medical attention is sought the prognosis is poor,for their saliva is full of bacteria that causes septic shock & an agent that prevents the bite from healing.
Komodos will attack & eat anything;small prey is eaten alive,while large prey like water buffalo are simply given a sneaky bite & followed.
As the septic shock sets in,the victim becomes too weak to fight off the Komodo,which is always waiting to pounce.
Komodos SLOBBER like a Republican looking at taxpayers funds!
The nasty stuff hangs in sickening strings from their mouths. It would be a tough sell to try to market stuffed Komodo dragons with adoption certificates to try to save them from extinction! They just have zero cuddle factor-much like the modern Republican Party!
In fact,I have thought for a long time that the Elephant, an intelligent, self aware vegetarian species capable of empathy, & of adapting to environmental changes,is no longer a suitable mascot for the GOP;the Komodo Dragon,a vicious cannibalistic scavenger that specializes in sneak attacks is a MUCH more accurate mascot for the Grand Opportunists Party!