As for massive expenditure, what Trump is asking for is in $5.7 billion is 1/4 th the budget for the total wall. To put it in clearer perspective $5.7 billion divided by 326 million citizens is less than $17.50 per citizen-- times 4 the wall will cost about $70 per citizen. 90% of the heroin that enters our country comes from the southern border, heroin being responsible for 300 deaths a week in the US. Is any number of people killed by that alone worth $70 a person? 4,000 murders in the Us by illegal aliens in the past 2 years. Is it worth $70 a person to reduce that number by any percentage, be it large or small? This isn't a debate based on fact, it's inspired by political motivations, primarily the power that comes from having a free flow of cheap labor (the savings in Social Security Medicare match, and other perks leans in favor of illegal aliens over citizens) Both parties are guilty- but Trump to his credit is facing the problem straight on with the first of many actions to get to the final solutions. Thanks for your thoughts and info as well.