Yes, the Berlin wall worked precisely the way for which it was intended. To mock the United States and all of western Europe. That was the only function the wall had. It was a reaction to the U.S. keeping the West of Berlin connected by air, and no wall will ever stop that, but the Soviets needed to make a statement, and that was the wall. And that is all it was, nothing more nothing less. There was no strategic gain, nor millitary gain, or whatever, it was just sticking up a middle finger to the U.S. and the Berlin people paid the price.
But then again, the wall didn't work as the Soviets hoped the U.S. would let West-Berlin go by making the Berlin people suffer, and that the U.S. couldn't bear that on their name, but the U.S. was always pretty keen on it to never let the Soviets get their hands on the West of Berlin until the very day the wall fell, so in the end the wall didn't work. If you really believe that wall had a protective function, then I guess it's back to history class for you!
Next that wall was nothing more but a provocation. An act of "cold war". Is the U.S. in a state of war with Mexico now? Even if it was, I doubt a wall would help, but frankly I think Mexico has better stuff on its mind that to even consider to attack the U.S. All a wall does is divide people. The Berlin wall did, the Isreali wall still does, and the U.S./Mexico wall will do the same. The lessons of the past are being forgotten, or you refuse to learn them.
And I am not an idiot. I hate it to call myself wise, but at least I know I am far wiser than you will ever be, unless you accept the truth. And if you keep insisting "we're done here", that what's the point trying to prove me wrong, as you were already done.
Precisely, you know I'm right, and you're just hoping I'll go away. Now I had little time the past days to get here, but if you think you "won" a discussion., then all i can say is that you know nothing, Jon Snow, so a true discussion actually never took place.