Again, we have a situation where somebody does not understand a term they are using. In this case liberals set the standard, the standard being "elected officials should not be vulgar." This was freely on display immediately after Trump's election. Here, I have not condemned the Congresswoman's words, I have simply pointed them out, and that liberals are excusing them and in fact turning the argument back to Trump. Countless times today, I have read some incantation of the following: "republicans have no room to talk about civility in public discourse, as Trump has been saying incredibly offensive things." This is the actual "whataboutist" argument, they (liberals) set the standard, then when your own elected officials don't live up to the standard, you turn the argument back to Trump's failure to live up to YOUR standard as an excuse for your official's behavior. This is classic whataboutism. That said, the meme does appear to give the whataboutist thinking.