My goodness, the liberal hatred you exude. Climate Change- Headline- "Scientist Discover Ancient 10,000 Year Old Forest Revealed by Glacier Melting Due to Man Made Climate Change, and then there is this and this and this Please read carefully, before Obama destroyed my last career, I made my living off of geologic reality, which proves that the climate has been much warmer, CO2 has been much higher and life thrived- BEFORE MANKIND EVEN EXISTED. Oops, Cap lock key got stuck. Read Dr. Roy Spencer, and Dr. John Christie's analysis of weather impacts. The science is not settled simply because there are trillions of variables- computer models are projections, not realities. What is the normal temperature for the world? 57 degrees f or 58 degrees f? And this just in- the recent few weeks of California wildfires produced 400 times the total amount man made CO2 for 2018. Feeling duped yet?