it's rocking, but it's like kombucha; doesn't work well for rizz without alcohol, so if you're sucking it down in a desert looking to hydrate yourself, keep in mind it'll have the opposite effect, and that you'd be better off ditching it to save the energy of carrying it, or using it for other stuff, but not cooling down, soaks into the skin, same effect, may as well drink and enjoy the epic taste if you're gonna shower in it, or if not, close...but maybe as a magnifying lens in a transparent bottle or glass or on plastic to create a fire to utilize various ways, or let it grow colonies of bacteria and so forth on it for later study and simply cuz they want to live too, etc. but when it comes to eggnog, living or dying, hy or dehydrating, great average or sucky tastin', either way, try to remain merry and giving to others whilst handling or imbibing as to not butcher it's spirit.