Sorry it took so long to get back to you, but I had obligations. Yes, I erred. It appears that 13-people did die in the 2016 floods. It should be noted, however, that I overlooked a site with that information. I did not make up numbers, as in the case of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, where your guys insisted only a few dozen died and it was a few thousand instead. And, none of the 2016 people died because of inaction by the person who was the president then. I get it. I understand why your side hates Obama so much. He is your worst nightmare. He is a guy whose politics are a mix heavy on 1950s-60s liberal Republican liberal positions, intelligence, education and charm. I didn't mention his race because, unlike Trump, I don't think most of you are racists or motivated by racism. But, Obama appealed to moderates. That is why your guys spent eight years trying to make him fail instead of trying to succeed at something. Having no real portfolio to fall back on, you pass a disastrous tax break for billionaires and do little else. It only makes sense that you do everything in your power to divert attention away from that train wreck you voted for. Before you sling back at me, consider this. You are not going to change your mind one bit based on anything I say. You have added nothing to the discussion of the issue at hand, which was that your guy skipped out on an historic event that comes around once in a hundred years. I get little joy our of our exchanges. So, I am going back to ignoring you. I am sure you are a wonderful human being who is loved by his family and friends. But, I won't waste my time with these exchanges any longer. I expect that you will continue to fire away, because it fulfills a need you have. Peace. .