>waaaahhhh fox news
Fox News is the never-Trump RINO establishment which you leftist dipshits hate only because they are the one news network that doesn't walk lock-step with your fascist fake news agenda. You lying hate-filled shitstains endlessly, hatefully abuse your authority in social media and line your pockets with government corruption, locking away anyone who disagrees with you based on the phoniest most bullshit reasons including Michael Flynn, Carter Page, Dinesh Disouza, and the creator of that Youtube video you lying shitbags blamed for Benghazi. You lick the asses of crony kleptocrats like Comey, Brennan, Strzok, Schiff, Creepy Joe Biden, Crooked Hillary, and lying Da Nang Dick Blumenthal because you're degenerate lying venom-spewing fascists and spoiled brat bigots who brainlessly cry and scream "bawww get Trump punch nazis hunt republicans drown conservatives." You are lying sacks of shit who bitterly, angrily cling to race because that's all you racist communist blood-thirsty hypocrites care about. Your tinfoil Russia-collusion conspiracies are all you have to delude yourselves to the fact that we rejected your sour miserable hate-filled fascism in 2016.