I had to think pretty hard about the abortion issue, it was something I would not choose, but I had no problem if someone else chose that based on the arguments that were being made at the time. But as time has gone on I know that human life begins at conception, that upon conception a human being is being formed and will be born if that process is not disrupted. This is not just some inert tissue mass as abortion advocates tried to portray. I lost my first son to a miscarriage, then watched coke addicts have their babies. That didn't make any sense in terms of fairness, but that's the way it is. I believe that life is precious and irreplaceable, if life is taken, it can't be restored, there is no restitution, so my position evolved to pro-life. If you don't have life, you most certainly have no opportunity for liberty or the pursuit of happiness. Another twist came when my daughter was gang raped because of a date rape drug. While tests showed she had not contracted any diseases, she did become pregnant. As she struggled with what had happened she told me," this baby is half me, there is no way I can have an abortion." I talked to her about all the trauma that can come from having a child of rape, adoption, etc. and she held to her position. I am so grateful, because now I have a beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful and caring 11 year old granddaughter I wouldn't trade for all the wealth in the world. It worked out well for us, and particularly well for my granddaughter who will grow to be a wonderful asset for humanity, I can't help but advocate for the unborn who could also be incredible additions to humanity to make the word a better place.
So I have moral absolutes, it is wrong to kill innocent people, it is wrong to steal what is not yours, it is wrong to lie about someone else to their harm, it is wrong to want someone else's things to the point you don't want them to have them, and I think the US Constitution does more to preserve those fundamental rights than any other contrivance of mankind. So I am a conservative because those principle best preserve your right to decide and live as you chose without imposing on my right to decide and live as I chose. Take for example Jack Phillips, the Colorado Baker who had a religious liberty case before the Supreme Court. The gay couple had been customers of his for years before he was set up as an example to all Christians that their religious liberties were subservient to the gay agenda. He had been set up