Even millionaires have to eat, I guess.
I think she will outlast them all. Once this blows over she'll get more contracts and the rest (except for Goodman), will be on the street. This is an exaggeration of course, but actors need to act. The media seems to be on a mission though. They'e the ones to blame for all the 'outrage'. without all the media coverage it would have gone away in a few days, like everything else.
Media outlets think we are a bunch of wussies and can't decide for ourselves what to think. I don't remember the tweet, but I know it wasn't nice. But that's in the past and she may have had a bad day... who knows?
Not a fan, but I prefer HER over the media hounds trying to demonize people who they think could get them clicks on the Internet.
If news outlets weren't owned by the 1% crowd journalism might be more about newsworthy material, presented without bias. They all have their agendas, and we can see through their thinly veiled disguise. Well, SOME of us. ;-)