Like I said...not wasting any more time trying to explain basic humanity to an imbecile. You certainly aren't going to change how you think because...well, don't. But I am going to keep flinging shit at you so that you can feel like you're at home with the other primates - or what ever imbred, recessive gened, sub species of lowest order Primate you were shit out of - flinging shit at one another, and jerking each other off to pictures of your Primate In Chief acting like a bafoon. Not to be confused with Baboon...I would not insult them like that. Even though they are orange, they are a much more highly evolved order of Primate than Dumb Donald Drumph. You can't even figure out what's wrong with the picture, so you have no business talking about others cognitive abilities. F**king nunce. Clueless f**king nunce. I hope you have not procreated...we have enough morons in the world! #GetAVasectomyMoron #partoftheproblem #snipdips