I'm going to assume this is a claim that God doesn't follow his own rules. That claim is usually made by people who haven't even read the book they're arguing against. And worse, the scholars under King James took a few liberties with the texts. For example: The original texts written in biblical Hebrew used the word "ratzah", which means to murder, instead of "harag", which simply means to kill. So the accurate translation is "Thou shalt not murder". The idea was to keep the unwashed masses from being too violent by telling them it means to not kill anyone at all. And then some people get all offended that God and his followers killed a lot of people. And some liberal types think that killing anyone or anything at all is "murder", so that further complicates things. Others think that killing someone who disagrees with their political views is just fine, and then they go online and argue about God killing a bunch of people...