When it all comes down to it, I believe what I believe based on my faith in a Book that was written over thousands of years (Moses, prophets) . . . from thousands of years ago (completed by Apostle Paul, John, et al) . . . none of which I can outright prove, per se. (Admittedly, however, it is filled with astonishing prophecies that have both come to pass and which I am seeing play out in my life in 2018—which tends to confirm what I read in it and only augments my faith in it.) I also believe what I believe based on spiritual experiences I have personally had with the God and Creator in that Book and in my faith in His Son, my Saviour.
But, ultimately, much of it comes down to faith.
You believe what you believe based on books you've read and stories you've been told passed down for thousands of years (from Babylonians, Egyptians, et al) . . . stemming from thousands of years ago (Pythagoras, et al) . . . none of which you can outright prove. Mr. 1950-2018 Science Guy says this or that and you say, "Wow. Awesome. I believe it." So, basically, everything you believe comes down to your own faith . . . in man and in the alternative stories he has presented to you.
Technically, we're operating from the same premise--just on different sides of the fence. But to say that someone has an absurd point of view because it's based on some dumb "Story" that, for all you know, was concocted to serve "weak-minded people who need the crutch of religion” . . . is in itself paradoxical . . . for you're doing the same thing yourself: believing "stories" (about light-years; endless, ever-expanding universe[s]; billions and billions of years, evolution from monkeys or stars, etc.) based on what mere human beings have designed for you to believe. (Well, I actually believe Satan designed it, but his pawns are running all over the chess board with it.)
I could argue just as well that spiritually weak/clueless people needed the crutch of Science to prop up their humanistic, anti-God belief systems. You think they’ve discovered stuff, because they conceptualize lovely graphic images and blather forth incomprehensible figures that won’t fit in our minds and engross your brain in flashing pictures and titillating yarns (and the beautiful women don’t hurt, eh?) a.k.a. spectacular movies . . . so they *must* be right. What you censure your YEC “friend” for, you’re guilty of yourself. (Continued)