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You Mean Trees And Vegetables Were Just Floating Out In Outer Space Before the First Stars Exploded Into Being??

You Mean Trees And Vegetables Were Just Floating Out In Outer Space Before the First Stars Exploded Into Being?? | The trees, herbs, and all of our vegetative food sources were created BEFORE the sun, moon, and stars. GENESIS 1:11-19; Stick        in your pipe and smoke it, NASA; that; Research BIBLICAL COSMOLOGY/Flat Earth | image tagged in memes,nasa hoax,flat earth,biblical cosmology,genesis 1,evolution | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
789 views 5 upvotes Made by FlattEarther 6 years ago in fun
Val Gardena memeCaption this Meme
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what the fuck n*gga wtf | I DONT REALLY SEE HOW YOU DREW THAT CONCLUSION | image tagged in what the fuck ngga wtf | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
1 up, 6y
Huh? You just posted all those verses straight from the KJV and you don’t get it?


12 And the earth brought forth GRASS, and HERB yielding seed after his kind, and the TREE yielding FRUIT….. and God saw that it was good.

13 And the evening and the morning were the THIRD day.

(Insert verse 29: And God said, Behold, I have given you every HERB bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every TREE, in the which [is] the FRUIT of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for MEAT [food].)



16 And God made TWO GREAT LIGHTS; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the STARS also.

17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth……

19 And the evening and the morning were the FOURTH day.


Third Day: (Vegetative) Food. Fourth Day: Luminaries in “space.”
Our plant/herbal/fruit/vegetative food supply was created BEFORE the sun, moon, and stars.

What don’t you get?
1 up, 6y
Sounds like someone got into the holy anointing oil
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Um, you realize that, according to this Bible itself, these plants were only in existence a single day or less before the sun was created? If you shut the sun off for 12 hours, no plant is going to die over it. Furthermore, He could have created the sun two hours into the Fourth Day, for all we know. And besides, He's God. He can do what He wants. He doesn't operate on our fallen human scale. ;-)

I take it you're an atheist?
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I don't fit easy labels. And saying "he can do whatever he wants" is a copout that can as easily be used for the contradictions of the People's Temple or Scientology or LDS or anything else.

But I'd absolutely agree with the atheists that the idea of earth being created in place instantly in place with plants in the dark for one day is an instance of not a reasonable deity, but people bending over backwards to defend an absurdity.

I actually discussed young earth creationism with someone and pointed out that the light coming from distant galaxies millions or billions of light years away proved that it had been millions or billions (13.8 actually) that that light had been traveling. And this dude was so brainwashed, he actually tried to argue God had just sneakily created the light already in place to arrive. Not "Of course the sane, credible explanation is that my young earth creationism is false," nope.

What's the difference between Mormons saying, "Well, Joseph Smith's translation of the Egyptian papyrus as the Book of Abraham has nothing to do with what the hieroglyphics actually say, but it must translate to that in some language we don't know yet" (see ), and you saying It all just magically happened in place poof like that 4400 years ago?

There is none. The nakedly absurd is nakedly absurd, irrespective of who argues it.
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When it all comes down to it, I believe what I believe based on my faith in a Book that was written over thousands of years (Moses, prophets) . . . from thousands of years ago (completed by Apostle Paul, John, et al) . . . none of which I can outright prove, per se. (Admittedly, however, it is filled with astonishing prophecies that have both come to pass and which I am seeing play out in my life in 2018—which tends to confirm what I read in it and only augments my faith in it.) I also believe what I believe based on spiritual experiences I have personally had with the God and Creator in that Book and in my faith in His Son, my Saviour.

But, ultimately, much of it comes down to faith.

You believe what you believe based on books you've read and stories you've been told passed down for thousands of years (from Babylonians, Egyptians, et al) . . . stemming from thousands of years ago (Pythagoras, et al) . . . none of which you can outright prove. Mr. 1950-2018 Science Guy says this or that and you say, "Wow. Awesome. I believe it." So, basically, everything you believe comes down to your own faith . . . in man and in the alternative stories he has presented to you.

Technically, we're operating from the same premise--just on different sides of the fence. But to say that someone has an absurd point of view because it's based on some dumb "Story" that, for all you know, was concocted to serve "weak-minded people who need the crutch of religion” . . . is in itself paradoxical . . . for you're doing the same thing yourself: believing "stories" (about light-years; endless, ever-expanding universe[s]; billions and billions of years, evolution from monkeys or stars, etc.) based on what mere human beings have designed for you to believe. (Well, I actually believe Satan designed it, but his pawns are running all over the chess board with it.)

I could argue just as well that spiritually weak/clueless people needed the crutch of Science to prop up their humanistic, anti-God belief systems. You think they’ve discovered stuff, because they conceptualize lovely graphic images and blather forth incomprehensible figures that won’t fit in our minds and engross your brain in flashing pictures and titillating yarns (and the beautiful women don’t hurt, eh?) a.k.a. spectacular movies . . . so they *must* be right. What you censure your YEC “friend” for, you’re guilty of yourself. (Continued)
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He simply believes in God and buys that version; you don’t. You buy the other one. Both stem from predecessors that originate from thousands of years back. Neither one of you can technically, literally prove one thing you’re talking about.

I get why the concept of "God" and "instant creation" seem implausible to you (an apparent atheist/agnostic). I admit myself that the “billions of years” thing makes far more sense to my mathematical and scientific brain (as well as the fact that it’s simply “comfortable,” because it’s what I was indoctrinated to believe from birth). But, due to my belief in God and my relationship with Jesus Christ and the beautiful things that have come of that/Them (peace, love, healing, forgiveness, joy, nurturing, Divine guidance, etc.) and the ways that God has “proved” Himself in my life, I must adhere to what I see in the Book I place my faith in. (I was an Old Earth Creationist my entire life, due to what I’d been taught. Did not become a YEC until a mere few years ago after intense study and research and after willfully defecting from the religion that I was raised and indoctrinated in.)

If someone genuinely loves me and treats me kindly and proves their love by their actions and deeds by “making sacrifices” for me/our relationship and I have a warm and nurturing exchange with them, then they write me a love letter . . . I can generally believe that what they’ve written is true. I know it’s true because I can detect the same qualities and nature in the letter that I can in the person and in my relationship with them. Conversely, if someone comes to me with artificial “love” and words that ring rich with sweetness, love, and loyalty but all I find behind my back is a three-foot sword and hateful lies and mean, manipulative plots, etc., and then that person writes me a “love” letter, I know that—regardless of what they’ve written and how wonderful it sounded—I can’t put any stock into it. It’s artificial. It was created with a malevolent motive in mind. It was all just part of the twisted plot.

There you have in a nutshell why I believe my Book of Stories instead of yours. ;-) (And, FWIW, I believe Mormonism to be a cult.)
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So, I DO believe God to be God and, as God—the ultimate Supreme Being and Creator—He is capable of doing whatever He wants. If a whiz-bang of a computer engineer and graphic designer (and a fallible human being, at that) can sit at a computer and punch buttons and “instantly create” whatever he wants in mere seconds, it’s sort of impractical and unrealistic—wouldn’t you say?—to suggest that the Supreme Engineer who created the human Himself couldn’t do the same thing . . . only to the gazillionth power? Not that you believe in a Creator. But . . . speculatively . . . wouldn’t that only make sense?

I helped “create” my children. I could do anything they could even think of doing when they were toddlers . . . way faster, way better, way more intelligently, way more rationally, and with 100 times the understanding. (1000?) Doctors, teachers, educators, experts, champion athletes . . . are always far above the level of expertise, knowledge, and ability of those they educate. Why should it be any different for mankind . . . and with Him/Those Who created him? (Because, dude. We came from *somewhere.*)

Puny, fallible man stands in a room (that he designed and built with his own hands) in total darkness and decides, “Let there be light.” In a nanosecond, he flips a switch on the wall and the room is flooded with light.

Supreme Engineer/Graphic Designer peers over a watery mass that He’s created, which lies in total darkness. He says, “Let there be light.” LIGHT! What’s so hard about that? :-D
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^^^ "and pointed out that the light coming from distant galaxies millions or billions of light years away proved that it had been millions or billions (13.8 actually) that that light had been traveling"

And that's exactly my point. You believe what you believe because of the stories you've been told. Mr. Science Guy says "...billions upon billions of light years . . . blah blah blah" and you simply say, "See? They know what they're talking about. So I believe it. Because they've proven it."

Please tell me how any human being has ever proved that light has shone upon Earth from billions upon billions of years ago when there's not one human today who's older than, say, 110?

Science admits it knows virtually nothing of the "universe," and Michio Kaku will tell you himself that they're off in their understanding of the cosmos by 10 to the 120th power (and then goes on to suggest that--what if Einstein was wrong?). That's pretty pathetic. So . . . how many billions of light-years did they say stuff was situated out in a universe they've never even traveled to?
1 up, 6y
Also, "4400" years ago. Is this your YEC's age of the Earth? I contend roughly 6,000 years (more or less, give or take) and that's contingent on whether or not we've been told the truth regarding timelines from Adam to Jesus Christ and from Jesus till now. I can't prove those timelines, so . . . again: faith, according to presumably accurate/honest historians. But, truthfully, you can't prove your "timelines" any more than I can. ;-)
0 ups, 4y
I am a NASA nerd.

I am now filing this under "W" for What The Hell.
Val Gardena memeCaption this Meme
Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
The trees, herbs, and all of our vegetative food sources were created BEFORE the sun, moon, and stars. GENESIS 1:11-19; Stick in your pipe and smoke it, NASA; that; Research BIBLICAL COSMOLOGY/Flat Earth