Hi, Everybody, It 's me, VinceVance, the guy who submitted the above meme. It is written on a recently discovered ancient Grecian urn, "Memer artists are not necessarily the best judge of their own work: the most relevant opinions are those of their audience." That being said, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your kind compliments, incisive comments, clever quips and insightful repartee. However, though I personally feel overweight, the title of the meme does not really reflect on a judgement of weight... only on me. When I was designing it, I was trying to come up with a title (often a laborious process). I contemplated me trying to pull off that optical illusion. I realized that I couldn't. I have too much girth to hide behind such a little mirror. So, my title is not about weight loss, but more about me not being able to pull off the illusion. Thank you, greatly for your various statements. Your fellow struggling-to-get-a-rise Memer, V.V.