The initial purpose of armies & cops is noble, not strictly to serve governments or empower tyrants. It's a response to animals of men. Playing the destroyer is often perverted into animal dominance/might makes right misuse, but then what is not misused? Is it mostly good or bad? I think the good guys are winning. I think the creators are winning over the destroyers. All the cities, roads, houses, dams, bridges, airports or any other man made structures attest. Key though to remember is the righteous destroyer character role does not exist to serve himself, but to provide basic animal dominance so that intellect and your own sovereign rules of right and wrong might have their way. And then in America we believe in the divine rule of free speech, which includes the ability to criticize EVERYONE. Bitterness about fighting a war, would not entitle you to refuse to be questioned about a My Lai massacre type thing. The fact of the matter is playing the policeman is a critical job, with lives and freedom at stake and all things can be respectfully questioned or criticized as a rule.