you realize that Reagan invited Gorby to the white house a few times right and it was still the middle of the cold war with multiple proxy wars raging? Not a very good meme.
For the worse? Oh so you're a Russian sympathizer who liked it better when Russia was a Superpower. I suppose you helped Hillary sell our strategic Uranium reserves to Russia to help them?
Right? My healthcare insurance went up 500% due to Obamacare, not only could I not keep my doctor I no longer can afford ANY med insurance since the "affordable" care act was implemented....I don't think that word "affordable" means what they think it means.
Cite me any expample of someone using the ACA that they had to leave their Doctor. While you're looking that up, I'll let you know that my wife and I had to leave some of our Doctors, from our employer accessed insurance.
that would be med insurance was 89/month before ACA after ACA it was $480/month with higher deductible. I had to cancel all med insurance. I don't see how people who think med insurance was unaffordable before the ACA could possibly believe that it would be less expensive after the ACA considering the huge bureaucracy payer have to support on top of their insurance to administer it. Socialism does not lead to better outcomes, simple as that.