Nice work!
I just learned (yesterday) about the Reliant's upside down configuration.
They sent a blueprint of a Constitution Class-looking vessel for approval and received it back with a sign-off of approval.
But the signature was upside down, as if the ship were viewed upside down. There was no time to verify what the guy meat, so the designed it the 'new' way instead.
I saw it in a 'Making Of' documentary.
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I also re-watched the Sulu thing again yesterday. It's good to see the Excelsior back in action, with Sulu at the helm. The story has quite an emotional climax, as you will see. As well as why the guy who made it (Mr. Sci-Fi) is proud of his accomplishment. This one is well written. Looking forward to discussing it with you when you get time.
I'm in the same situation. Too many things to do, and not enough time to do them. Especially Trek material. There;s just TOO much out there! :-)