Yeah obviously the point is to make memes, make others laugh, and laugh ourselves and make friends. But the points are a fun part of it too. The thing about points is the more you get, the more visible you and therefore you memes become, so more people then see them and can potentially enjoy them and comments etc. And it becomes a friendly competition among those of us on the leaderboard lol. I've been here about 18 months, and I'm not too far from two million points, and I'm #24 on the all time leaderboard, and have been sitting about #4-5 on the 7 day leaderboard for a while now, and it's made a huge difference in how many views and upvotes my memes get. Anyone can work their way up on the leaderboard if they stay active, make decent memes, and most importantly to comment frequently on as many memes as you can and make friends that way. Then your friends will start following you and upvoting you regularly. :-)