"If god is by nature good, then that means he can't do anything wrong, correct? Yet I'm sure you would say killing babies is wrong. Yet god killed babies in the Bible. He killed Egyptian babies during the Passover, and he drowned babies during the mythical global flood. He also commanded the Israelites to slaughter everyone in certain towns, including children and babies (Deut chp 13)."
With everything God does is with reason. Why He killed the first born you must read the story; particularly between Pharaoh and Moses. If you do, you will see the escalating judgments of God that finally brought upon the deaths of the 1st born Egyptians. It was only then that the Pharaoh released the Hebrews.
"No, I don't believe in sin, because sin is tied directly to the god of the Bible, in which I don't believe."
But if God is real, then what? You see, long before Galileo, the shape of the earth was already known in the OT (Isaiah 40:22) and before Isaac Newton's theory of Gravity, the Bible had already spoken of it (Job 38:4). Would you reject the Bible's natural revelation because of its religious association?
"If we're given a god-given conscience to know right from wrong, then that means that your views on right and wrong line up with what god says in the Bible? So when he says in Exodus and Deuteronomy that you can own another person as property, you believe that's acceptable? When he says eating shellfish is an abomination, you agree with that? When he says homosexuals and blasphemers should be put to death, you agree with that? If we have a god-given conscience to know right from wrong, why does my conscience tell me that much of what's in the Bible is disgusting, deplorable, detestable and despicable?"
Slavery then is different from what we know about slavery today. 1st, slavery was very common then. 2nd, people are made slaves come as slaves either because of an unpaid debt, captured in battle, or is a criminal; not just being kidnapped. 3rd. unlike American slavery, slaves in the ancient world, while subservient are promised liberty after a certain number of years. In Exodus 21:2-26 says that there is a seven-year a person is to remain a slave and with that, rules in the treatment of. Also, Masters are to treat their slaves fairly and give them their just due (Colossians 4:1). With Roman slaves, they can also earn or buy their freedom and be citizens.