I saw that meme and watched what happened. coollew shared a list of users with a "little buddy" for targeted downvoting. The deleted comments were from that other user.
coollew is still here, just under different username(s). No one can delete any of coollew's old comments now about the "list", but his little buddy sure has.
So here's what I saw. Two weeks ago coollew dropped this on a front page meme with some comment text, basically accusing the OP of reposting and using alts. I'm not the only one who viewed coollew's comment that way. I thought that was pretty uncool and a bit of a tell, so I watched him for a week.
I asked him about it last week here. imgflip.com/i/29p2sg ultimately he says he put me on the bottom of his new shit list. So start looking for coollew list and turns out there is a "Captain Lew/little buddy" relationship in plain sight on comments elsewhere, where they're talking about the list and little buddy is ready to fire red arrow treatment at who ever Captain Lew says, pew pew this and DV that. Along the way I see a longtime 100% OC imgflip friend who's on the list too. That ain't very cool.
A meme about SubjectMatters comes up in latest around the same time. Yes, she was a fairly controversial user, but I say I like her and upvote some (or maybe most) of her stuff. Next thing I know coollew is sending "just thought id give ya a little tidbit this guy is in cahoots with her" and my profile link to little buddy, who then accuses me of BEING SubjectMatters on one of little buddy's memes.
There was a lot of high fiveing and bro fisting on coollews poem about the list, little buddy copy pasted his accusation about me, coollew commenting we need a bigger list and thanks little buddy. When I logged in the next day, coollew was gone and little buddy didn't know yet. Apparently more than a few users saw that.
Since then, three obvious low point coollew alts popped up but they fold up the card table quick when I fire back.
Funny thing is, some of the list stuff is still out there, and none of coolew's part of it can ever be deleted, except by a mod.
Part of what's missing on that meme was nottaBOT joining coollew's revelation that he was just a dickhead all this time, even quoting Alice Cooper's "No more Mr Nice Guy" and attacking the people already mentioned and posting a link to another meme encouraging all to downvote yet another memer on swell guy coollew's list. Once nottaBOT saw his master was gone, the rebelious little padwan went into hyper apologetic mode, kissing ass so furiously on every comment ever since that 25 lbs of shit had to be surgically removed from his lips this weekend.
Sadly, the war to rid the site of that two faced simpering phony's hitlist is on hold, the gutless fanboy cowering in the corner like the good cuckold he was born to be.