Working? You must mean UNCONSCIOUS, right? That one never left the launch pad.
It was MINE, btw. I figured with all the meat on display here, it might have a chance to attract anything in high school (male or female). But someone... you mentioned, "The powers that be"... deemed it unworthy.
And yet there are posts in foreign languages, insults, disrespect, a template where a gal is err.. swallowing a dood's thing (true, it's out there), and more rule-breaking shenanigans. WTF?
But a woman in a bikini top about six sizes too small? Nope. Just nope.
OK, maybe seven or eight. But it's certainly stylish!
Fun fact: This is the same woman you saw doing yoga. You said the nipples were in a strange place. Jordan Carver. And it was inspired by a meme where she was peeling off her bikini bottom. You must have seen that one also. The text was something about being over the gun debate.
It was a red bikini (but not for long), if that helps.
Uh oh, I must be rambling again. It's just the inconsistency that confuses me though. I don't understand it!