meh ive had to keep up with MK spaming me on Qoutev (she does like 20 things at once and i cant awnser just 1 question F*CK NO I HAV 2 AWNSER 2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 MILLION AT ONCE!!!!!!!!............. i kinda miss the 20 second comment timer....... not the 1020298376529387465473829011 seconds but 20 or 30 is good with me.. cant believe i actay said that)
She asks me what the title of a book then chrater and then says that all my opinions suck then says I need to type faster (and yes mk is meme and breaking is breaking angel 224)
Is this the Broadway production? Peroxide would be an argument. I dunno, Child was good enough, but I just treat it like a different world from the series.
Yeah but it kinda depends on how the weather is for my hair it’s natural but it goes from more red to brown as f*ck...... that’s a perfect example of my hair yesterday......