"This is my gibson. There are many like it.but this one is mine :)
Music is not a fashion show.
Talant and hard work makes good music great :)
Awesome :) never stop chasing a dream :)"
Nice Gibson.
I'm getting old, ain't happening. Stop writing a few years ago, then came up with what I wanted to do, acoustic Punk, kinda Johnny Cash meets the Germs and Flesh Eaters. Started writing songs about deserts, mud, and floods as metaphors for life,, yadda yadda.
Here in NYC, all the musicians are for hire and off to Brooklyn, the new music & hipster mecca. So no chance for a nobody like me.
Read some of my lyrics to a very few, they said they were real good, one literally offered to basically steal them and post them on her FB, saying she'll credit me as "helping" her, I swear! And she's into B Boy Music!
He bro & friends started a band, he wanted to see them - like hell no!
I stopped writing again last yr.
Back in the early 90s, went back to school, got tired of feeling sorry for myself, and started just appoaching music looking folks at the cafetria. Found a guitarist, we worked on Gothy type stuff, he was exactly what I wanted. But then apparantly we got Yoko'd by his gf who was jealous of me taking up his time, so he ended it just as we were getting ready to do a few at an open mic night at a campus cafe.