If you click on your username in the top right hand corner, go to "My Images", select "Submitted Images," and hit Update, then you can see the status of your submitted images. When an image changes from orange Submitted to green Featured, it means that image has now become visible in Latest and Hot.
It will be near the top of Latest when it features, and then descend as more memes by other users become featured (Latest is roughly in chronological order by feature time).
It will be much harder to find in Hot, since it won't get near the top of that section until it gets votes and comments etc (apart from the mods, nobody knows for sure the exact formula that determines how an image rises in the Hot section, but it seems to be some combination of votes and comments on the image factored over time, and possibly views are a factor too).
But if the meme says Featured in green writing under Your Images, it's visible somewhere in Latest and Hot. Hope that helps.