Hate to rain on the moment, but the general view here is that Hispanics are not white, but some sort of "Brown" or "people of color" race. I've dealt with this much of my life, literally having mine 'changed' by people when they learn of my background. "White" upon meeting, a "them" upon learning.
Having to explain that it's also a mixed colonial and prior history, etc, with Spanish instead of English being the primary is as heeded as telling them that it's also a multi racial, ethnic, religious, cultural etc as well. That Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Chile are not the same taco eating, salsa dancing, merengue listening monololithic entity that only votes Democrat seems utterly befuddling.
My birth certificate says "White." Yet when a neighbor came for the census (which I did not send in) she refused to check white (or even other) and checked off Hispanic instead when I told her where my mother was born.
Latins are also real good at the genocide denial game, which, I hate to say, is far worse than what the English or French did. Not that that excuses the others, but they've managed to alter that narrative into one where ALL Hispanics a victims of racism and American/Western imperialism when instead we are guilty of the largest mass genocide and theft of resources history has ever known.