So you're still smarting from your last drubbing, but you think you can pull a hilariously cheap McCarthy on me to save face? You just sold your soul.
And if you only knew how completely full of crap you were for trying to call me Soviet, you'd so ashamed you might never show your face here again.
The graphic you supplied could be created identically for George Bush, but we practice double standards. Right down to subbing the invasion of Panama for the Crimea.
Except nobody invited George Bush to invade Panama and others, whereas the Crimea had been part of Russia till Stalin for some capricious reason assigned it - and its Russian population - to the Ukrainian SSR, which was technically part of the whole same country, the USSR. When that collapsed it went with the subcomponent, but the Russian natives didn't like it and vastly overwhelmingly finally decided to secede. There was less popular support for Yugoslav breakaways, if we're honest here, that the West supported. It'd be like Alaskans being under Russia but wanting to rejoin the US. It'd be a self-determination no-brainer, comrade.
Stop believing the bullsh*t corporatocracy's media, research other sources that challenge the official stories you so gullibly fall for, and start to think for yourself.