How exactly is he making women "subservient"? What part of Make America Great Again throws the progress of women back that far? Details please.
If you are open minded, I would like to give you one reason why I voted for Trump. Unlike some people, I do my research. I don't just base my info off of single biased news sites. So here is one of my reasons you might find interesting.
I voted for Trump to keep women, American women, safe. Hillary wanted to expand on President Obama's refugee program to accept more refugees. If you have not heard, the Syrian refugees are causing a lot of trouble in Europe, particularly Germany. Hundreds of women became victims of rape/sexual assault by those refugees on New Years Eve alone. Since Germany's Angela Merkel allowed in those refugees rape/sexual assaults against women has increased greatly. And the worst thing is the German government officials are covering it up and they are more worried about backlash against refugees than they are protecting their own citizens. Their own women. Google Henriette Recker, German Mayor of Cologne, "arms length" comment if you need proof. Yes, she victim blamed all of those women. (Where was your march and protest then?)
And before someone throws up the flimsy excuse that these refugees are fleeing a war-torn country. I want to point out that multiple reports/accounts say the vast majority of these "refugees" are young able bodied men. Why are they not evacuating their women, their children, their elderly? Why are the young men not staying to solve their country's problems? They swarm into Germany like waves and now we are seeing the result. No, those rapefugees can not be allowed in the US! Not that many men!
Had Hillary been elected, she would have been like Germany's Angela Merkel. Call me a bigot, call me what you will. But I will be damned to hell before I watch our women be mistreated by foreign scum! Hellsteeth! We have enough scum without bringing in more!
That was one of the main reasons I voted for Trump, he was against that. He was not going to bring thousands of men over, call them refugees, and let them assault women. Trump isn't perfect, I'm not saying that. But he is a far cry better than Hillary's policies.
You may know more about Trump than I do. But you can not convince me that Hillary would have been better.