No, you are.
Told you, he's owned. He's just that tardo in town with the fancy car everyone hitched a ride in till he crashed it. He's a tool, a fall guy. He's going down, and the powers that be are milking that sucker for all they can while they can.
- Wait, you gonna tell me that's fake news too? All the Repubs, FOX News, and the rest of the vampires who decried him in 2016? They hated his ass. R-R-R-Remember?
Commies, Facists, Nazis, Socialists, and your basic run of the mill megalomaniacs - when they take over, what do they ALWAYS do?
Discredit and eliminate the free press
Discredit and eliminate branches of goverment
Discredit and eliminate law enforcement
Discredit and eliminate the judiciary
Discredit and eliminate the educated professors, scientists, history scholars, etc
Discredit and eliminate basic citizens who may even remotely pose a threat.
Oh, and once all is set, discredit and eliminate the brown shirts, the minions who put them in charge, because those yahoos pose the biggest threat of all.
And before you dismiss this as lefto collegiate nonsense, read some history - frig, ask your grandparents, they lived and died through it. Viet Nam, WWII, WWI - check out how they started, what we fought, sheeee, the Russian commies have pamplets on how to take over a country using the same exact methods THEY are using with Trump now.
Pffffft, if you don't wanna bother with that snooty learnin stuff, just watch V, the mini series & show (The 1980s one or the reboot) about aliens slowly taking over. It's on how many episodes of the Twilight Zone? Revelations, the Bible?
AKA, I've seen this movie before, and the ending sucks.