There are many professors still in the classroom that would serve humanity better by hooking. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.) I did however read the story you linked, sad but in most cases these were choices. Sometimes you have to cut your losses and face reality and seek to make a living another way. There is nothing in ANY society that says you get to do whatever you want for a living, and make as much money as anyone else. People (society) places value on the work being done, not the 3 richest people in the country. The fact is different jobs produce a different value, or involve a higher risk, require higher levels of training. There will never be "income equality", the concept to me is silly. By the way, if you really want to see how silly it is, do what I did a few years back, add up the top 100 wealthiest people's assets, then see how long you can keep the impoverished above the poverty line with those funds, I think the answer will surprise you.