The offer, WHICH I extended, was one such thing.
And if you'll notice. A RARITY.
So please... reconsider if someone with whom you are more familiar and comfortable makes it.
I felt moved to motivate this...Because I think I appreciate all the creative types here. Even the one's that I wind up.a-fussin' and a-feudin' with.
The lesser talents will develop or find a place to shine, all for themselves, all by themselves. Van Goch was never on a Top 100. Popularity generally doesn't impress me, much. Everything else, like Talent, Funny, skill, all of it - fitz into itz appropriate place in my own ranking system. I think that we all have one of our own.
So-s you know - if U werrr unaware - this (Alt/)Golem is simply a Professional account. I use some tools. This is merely one of them.
But I keep no army of Alts. Just this. And no secret it iz..
My "cast of characters" are an endless League of Meme-Worthy icons.
Always 2 there are - with me - no more nor less...
So of you maintain an elaborate ethical code, in that regard...please educate me. Otherwise I see all sortz of folk down it their own wayz. I try not to judge.
And I try to use this in a way that is benign. Add "Is Possible" to the AWV - and you'll see my only other "social media" account. And FAR younger than these, it is. Various, Humour, Politics, Straight-Dope researches...Kung Fu. Bruce.
Surf, Kneeboarding and Bodysurfing too.
Rare bird, High Degree - shit mostly. Nothing uploaded by me as yet. .
Feel free to say hi. Division is very last year. Coming together, on a common (consensus-based) course...looks like the next big thing.