Your response basically invalidates your religions credibility, and here's why...
People around the world, myself included, get exposed to dozens of religions and none of them provide more than the other in terms of credibility.. no particular religious person like to hear that, but it doesn't change that its true.
All religions provide anecdotal stories, scripture and mental gymnastics and especially the rationalisation to justify why their religion isn't in control of nearly 100% of the worlds population by providing adequate evidence of its validity..
from any outwards appearance there is no reason to believe a christian is having a personal relationship with jesus any more than the mongolian is temporarily being taken over by a warrior spirit... they both believe it, but neither can provide evidence beyond the other that validates their belief.. all they can really do is argue that one's telling the truth and the other isn't (or some variation of one not being accurate)
The only thing that can separate the true god from the false one is the existence of evidence. A car alarm going off when praying is no more evidence of communication for a christian god in America than the same event for a Hindu god in India (for example) This is why 'opening oneself to indirect communication' is not an acceptable method of determining the truth..
As a response to this, your way of dealing with that (as with all religions) is to rationalise, and even blame others..
1. He doesn't have to show you evidence
2. You need to take car alarms (for example) as evidence, but you dont
3. If god did a very specific miracle you'd probably just think he was david copperfield etc etc
Basically you're arguing on gods behalf to explain away the issue of why god not providing the required evidence and god not existing seems very similar... that's a problem..
Also, no one is 'demanding' god to prove himself, god, by his very nature (as proposed in his books) is obligating it himself.
If a being knows all, he knows what the requirement is, was and will be... If he fails to provide it, then that is his failing (or purposeful intent)
People not knowing a specific god exists is a failure of the being to present himself in a superior way to ones that aren't real... and that's not happening, as demonstrated by your comment..