Easy. All Light (Kira) has to do is know how to spell a persons name and have an image of the persons face as he rights down the name of the person. Then he can write the cause and time of death and it will happen. But it time and cause is not specified, the person will die of heart attack somewhere around 5 minutes after the name is written. BUT, if he let's someone else touch even the smallest piece of paper from the death note, (the book that allows him to controlled someones death and even everything leading to the death) then the person who touched it will then see a demon like figure known as a shimigami SHEE-Me-gOmee(I don't know how to spell it.) And, after touching the death note or a piece of it, that person will go to neither Heaven nor Hell. But the shimigami dimension where they will live put their days with nothing to do until they slowly turn to death. BUT, in the shimigami dimension, that person will be turned into a shimigami (Also known as death gods) and given a death note. And if they use the death note, it increases their time until they turn to dust