Pretty sure if somebody wants to kill people nothing is going to stop them. They've turned pressure cookers into bombs, should we outlaw canning? Or maybe we should all ride horses again so nobody can drive through a crowd of people? If the President can protect his family with guns then you bet your ass I will protect mine the same way. You may want to be unarmed when a criminal attacks you with a gun, I however prefer to have a fair shot of living through such an encounter...
You can believe that if you wish, matters not to me. If you want to believe there is no reason to have to defend yourself more power to you. I do believe my point was that if somebody wants to kill another then guns being illegal isn't going to stop them. But if an honest man or woman wants to defend themselves then guns being illegal will make them a criminal for doing so. Guns put food in my freezer that allows my family to eat steak without preservatives at a fraction of the cost year round. Not all of us are happy letting other people kill our food for us and put whatever they want into it. I also use a crossbow which is actually a much better killer than my rifle. I never said that automatic rifles are the best thing ever, you seem to have assumed a lot. I just know that if our government can have them than so should we. Unless you think our government is completely trustworthy and wouldn't take advantage of them being armed and us not. Maybe that's why they put that in the constitution but wtf do I know :p
Logical fallacy--a gun cannot jump up, aim at a target, and pull its own trigger.
People kill with whatever is handy and will do the job. People only kill out of self-defense or out of the need to protect others, unless they have mental problems.