At least now you're making an attempt at an accurate narrative. Indeed. Partly you due to you, but not in the majority sense by any stretch, i avoided actual circles of people.
The saddest and most ironic thing was others insistance that i was close to subjectmatters because of his mental scatteredness protected by a thin layer of biblical rhetorical. I was forced into a position, of my own making, to handle that, while here. Nonetheless i learned, and decided some people, whoever, really, were responsible for failing to distinguish individuals. My aggresiveness is linked to insanity, its genetic tbh.
I do not belong in nature, it is rougher than me. I don't belong in most circles, including any in existence here.
You? You seem like you spend alot of time on the border as some sort of moral agent. This is where i exist? Lol.
I don't know what faux validity is? I thought i made a point of calling ya'll commies until i mostly dropped it from repetitive boredom.
Druggie dreaming of utopia? You seem to drop the implication that i dream of a personal utopia? Thats likely true?
Ossified? Will just assume you mean like becoming a shell or statue. Yes, well, that's why i can respond. I can conceptualize futures for other things, like anyone can, but myself? No template. Started out in life with a series of moderately invested transitory rolemodels that vanished earlier than is typical. I don't have the slightest clue as to what i'm supposed to emulate. Modern depictions of rolemodels are too refined, and bluntly, they all appear to be Jesus photocopies.
I literally see no route other than change via undefined life experience.
How is the ride into netherness? You mean death after some more decades?
It's filled with characters like you (whatever you think you are).
My existence is inconvenient to others, aside from some inconsistent strong acquaintances.
'This' is proximally equal (very little change aka always constant change) to the entirety of my life. *tilts head*
As for lonelyness... it occupies almost none of my thoughts. I don't cry about it.
Hmmm cul-de-sac. Alright. Yes.
That's accurate, but my dreams were never dashed, Modda.
I'll tell you my big secret. Come figuratively close:
2 days, im forgotten, and 2 days i forget. I've never met anyone as capable of dispensing with personal connections as myself.
You're ALL highly replaceable, so to compensentate, i pretend you're ALL good acquaintances of mine. /end rant/