Still won't answer a direct question.
Heroin is unlawful yet there is a heroin "epidemic".
Hand grenades are unlawful to possess but law breakers possess them.
Nuclear weapons - plain silly to mention.
And to your compatriot, or alt - laws apply only to the lawful. The lawful aren't shooting up churches, concerts, street corners, shopping malls, marathons, schools, etc. Why deprive them of a means of protecting themselves from harm.
And it serves to mention that the gunman's spree was cut short by an armed citizen who shot back.
Furthermore, I could ask you - if guns are not necessary for self defense then why do the police carry them? Police are not a solution. If they were, there would be no murder or mayhem in our society. They prevent nothing because stuff usually happens wherever they are not.
I admire your ability to dream. But as long as there is more than one person on the planet there can be no Utopia. Just ask Adam.