I start with it from here—the last administration was a media creation. It did exactly the opposite of what it was loved for. It gave trillions of free money to the super rich, it killed more people than Bush, it made America less safe and the world less safe for Americans. It was as if Obama was Dick Cheney in a caricature image of a black man that people fell in love with for the ideas that Obama spoke of but never did. It was a disgraceful expansion of everything wrong with Bush. Trump can do great things. But the lines may have be drawn before he won. The GOP openly backed Hillary. Trump called their bluff so now they hate him. The GOP was pretending on all of the issues, while installing a liberal—because they wanted liberal policies and were full of shit on the issues in order to win the red state votes so they could blame what benefitted them and screwed their own constituents on the Democrats. Total disgrace, IMO. Our whole government is a lie.