Oh things have gotten even crazier! Her ex husband, father of the child she is carrying now. Came by my house last night, he is about to be deployed, is fighting her for custody because she truly is a horrible mother. He wants me to take guardianship of their baby 2 weeks a month He's hiring private investigators and lawyers and wants me to be make sure his baby is ok at least part of the time. If of course the kid turns out to be his which is in question also. I care about the baby, even though it's not mine it's going to be my sons half sister. But I have to focus on my family, the time with an infant will take away my time with my son. Who is already dealing with me not letting him go to the nasty trailer his mom lives in with 8 other people. Thing is he is happy about it, told me her new boyfriend even hit him, which is knee caps being blown off type of shit already.
So I'm trying to play it cool, protect my son, not sure getting in the middle of their custody argument would be anything but negative for my son. I barely know the guy, yeah he married my sons mother, was good to my son, my son likes him, but that doesn't change the fact he is still barely an acquaintance. My head is going to blow up, thank you for letting me vent to you so much it means a lot.