Let's deconstruct the basic stupidity of a song by an abusive, narcissistic, drug-addled twit. Lennon was saying: Let’s get rid of nations; let’s get rid of religion; let’s get rid of the idea that there is something above me that is worth dying for, and that might even be worth killing for.
Let’s get rid of the passions that help us transcend ourselves. Maybe that’s why the melody of “Imagine” is so subdued — almost like sleepwalking.“Imagine” is a dream, and not a very good one.
Imagine no nations, no separate peoples, no distinctive languages, lifestyles, or cultures. A world of radical sameness. Actually I like cultures, and languages, and national dreams (as long as they are not lethal national dreams, and make room for others).
Imagine no war. Great. Our enemies, like the Russians, Chinese and most Muslims would be happy if we stopped defending ourselves. War sucks, but is sometimes necessary. and we are being pressed by a lot of bad people. so should we surrender?
As for “And no religion too,” Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot imagined a world without religion. The results were demonic.
I don’t even think that it is possible to imagine no religion. Or would even want to. Do you want to live in China or the former Soviet Union where there is banned religion? No thanks.
Everything the song advocates and hopes for as a supreme good was the fountainhead of all the horrors of the 20th Century. Imagine there's no countries? Hitler dreamt of a world without borders. Imagine there's no heaven? No religion too? Stalin and Mao sought to free us from religion and the burden of hoping for something more than this life. Imagine no possessions? Communism was all about freeing us from possessions (though multi-zillionaire Lennon seems to have honored this dream more in the breach than the observance). Imagine all the people living for today? You got it! A culture of brain-dead MTV-educated "fornicate-today-and-abort-tomorrow" zombies has accomplished the mission.
Yet people still talk as though "Imagine" is some sort of inspiring hymn. I cannot for the life of me see why. Here's the real deal. This world is a furnace of suffering. Always has been and always will be. "Imagine" solves the problem of suffering by euthanizing the soul. It counsels us to abandon dreams of heaven and even the schoolyard impulse to defend the weak from a bully. It basically says - "Abandon Hope" and be a socialist zombie. No thanks