It’s time to awaken from the cultural trance imposed on all of us by the obsolete meal rituals we are obliged to participate in, and to question the official stories and realize that rather than being driven by stories of the past and stories of what other animals do, we can be instead inspired by a new story. This new story is that we can feed all of us on a fraction of the land, water, and resources when we eat a healthy plant-based diet, and that we can honor our natural wisdom and compassion and create sustainable communities that will allow us and all of the animals on this beautiful Earth to celebrate their lives free from the mass-murder we are inflicting on them. There is by far no predator more deadly, rapacious, and inescapable than contemporary human hunters, fishers, and the animal industrial complex that both hunts and breeds billions of animals for food, clothing, entertainment, research, and products and profits of all kinds. Building both a vegan educational crusade, as well as a social movement of justice, freedom, and respect for all life is more urgent today than anything else we can possibly do, and the more we can learn and contribute to the cultural awakening that we are not predatory by nature, the more likely we will have a sane society and healthy planet for ourselves and our grandchildren.