The answer "YES" is nonsense, don't get fooled by some people who know nothing about physics and only have opinions and believes - we have a free will and it has not been decided beforehand what we do. You are an autonomous being and make each decision yourself, although most people do it guided by their subconsciuos which stores their experiences. This is a quantum mechanical principle (the non-disputed physcial reality of the universe), and you can only predict probabilities how you would decide and what would overall happen in the world. There were two predicitions for the present time (e,g, by Nostradamus), one with a bad overall outcome for the planet and one with a good outcome (mathematically a so-called bifurcation). And it was very close - no-one knew before what would happen. The bifurcation is passed, and it has taken the good outcome (although it is not 100% sure that this could no be reversed), but most people haven't realized it yet. People who think that everything is predetermined always need a leader whom they can follow and lastly are full of fear. Grow up, become a fully autonomous being and fulfill this intended role!