"Lol...that's about what a Lego character would say to the person that put it together, if it could talk" Are you seriously comparing ME to a TOY?
"Proof we don't need God?" We can do good WITHOUT believing in a god.
"the fact that we as humans have never seen God is not evidence he isn't there" We would've had a photo by now.
"Because, if there is such a thing as God, then why should humans expect to be able to see him" Because if he, she, or it wanted to prove their existence, they would've revealed themselves by now.
"Why must this God do what WE want" If he TRULY loved us, he would.
"Humans want to see, but if God created us, then why should he bow to our demands" If he loved us, he wouldn't treat us like shit, if he loved us, he would allow us to see him, if he loved us, he would've provided SOME piece of evidence of his existence, like a DNA sample, or a photo.
"Life becomes pointless, because if there is nothing else, we have only our own lives to live" Exactly why we don't need him. There doesn't need to be a god for life to have a meaning.
"And, if there is no God, there is also no absolute Truth" That's gotta be one of the most ridiculous things I've heard from anybody in my life.
""Laws of Nature" don't cut it" The laws of nature are already irrelevant.
"The world was created in a manner that shows evidence of order decaying. All life forms decay, in time; so do non-living objects. Stars burn out, rocks erode, creatures die, dead bodies decay" That doesn't really prove anything.
"They say nothing exploded and created something p, out of nothingness, and then gradually over billions of years a life form finally came alive (again, from that same nothing), evolved itself upwards using nothing, and the earth managed to evolve along with it to become a great place to live" Again, it doesn't prove anything.
"Given the amount of time we've supposedly had to evolve, why then are our bodies still mortal?" Hey, nowadays, we can keep people alive WAY past their expiration date.
"Most anyone agrees, the human body is not strong from an evolutionary standpoint; if our minds are what make us strong, then our minds must be more powerful than any other minds on the planet, or else humans would not control this planet" Not proof of a god.
"The proof of God is all around you, in the atoms that form your body" Not proof.
"Nothing so incredibly complex could possibly evolve from nothing" Still not proof.