No problem.Every memeber of the band is a genius,especially Hansi Kursch(lead vocalist,ex-basist and lyricist) and Andre Olbrich(Lead guitarist and composer).Albums I recommend are "Nightfall In MIddle-Earth" which is in my opinion the best album I ever listened to,"Somewhere Far Beyond","A Night At The Opera"(this album is awesome,but it might be tiring if you listen to itfully as an album.I recommend to listen to the songs individually),and if you are already a metalhead,I recommend the first three albums.And as for the songs,other than mentioned above,I recommend "Lord of the Rings","Somewhere Far Beyond","When Sorrow Sang","Noldor" and "Wheel of Time".If you like Blind Guaridan,be sure to check Gamma Ray,which is almost as good as Blind Guardian :).Songs I recommend:"Rebellion in Dreamland"(their most popular song and best by many),"Land of the Free","Send Me A Sign"(my personal favourite),"Armageddon" and 'Man On A Mission".If you like them,reply anytime,and I'll be sure to give you some more reccommendations :)