I have married-in jewish relatives and i still throw up swastikas whenever i darn well please, because that holocaust is over, and 'we' (the first world) have started another one thats already expanded beyond the mjddle east (partial blame).
I don't even like people at this point. I'm not against racism. I'm against arbitrary nonsense that distracts from reality.
Black people suck because of generational poverty. My research shows 'racial intelligence' is related most strongly with historical coastal living due to the nutrient value of seafood, but i hear exactly not that in any conversation that touches on 'what race is better'.
Aggressive genetic markers are more often present in black males (in a macro sense), however if i remember right, theyre also higher in Asians, so it's probably irrelevant, and testosterone production is probably the most significant factor, there, imo.
The sooner people know this the better, because automation is going to do the same thing to western society as a whole as the cotton picking machine did to the african american community.
*flips a john deere tractor*
/end umpteenth rant/