Pehaps, but when people have sex, they are consiously taking various risks and making a choice, unlike the others deseases I mentioned which can be caught from merely beimg in the vicinity of an infected person. Anyone old enough to have sex is old enough to decide for themselves whether ot not the need/want this paticular vaccine. A possible link with infertility has been found with this vaccine, although further study is neccessary to confirn/debunk that. Also the risk from HPV is minimal. IF you get it, you have a SLIGHTLY incresed risk for cervical cancer, which then may or may not be the fast progressing dangerous form. The HPV vacine also only protects against a few forms of the virus. All vaccines cary some risk. You are in essence forcing your body to develop an immunoreaction, you know what else is an immunoreaction, anaphylactic shock. For airborne communicable deseases that have an immediate risk association I can accept the social responsibility, herd immunity argument. However for something like HPV, which requires a consious action to catch, and requires multiple steps from catching the desease before there is even a risk, I feel it is right to allow the individual to make their own risk assessment.