I think you are completely ignoring my point. "entitled to their possessions after death" this can be arranged in a will, does not require marriage. Again, why bind and give away your freedom, earned money, for something you do not believe in. Marriage is hard, and sucks, see there is a face of marriage that the majority of humanity ignores, and it stinks. Have to be bound to that person for the rest of your life? really, well that is not the case anymore since you have divorce, but then the half that is the least educated and has the crappiest job can take your hard earned money away, just because people "change"... Marriage is not easy kid. It is not something that should be tossed around so easily. Many people get married, but really do not know, understand, and grasp what marriage is all about. That my friend is the BIG problem. Best to stay free, than live a slave live or break bows, specially to a God they do not believe in.