Not only did you (not so) subtly insult my intelligence and reading comprehension by saying I needed "guidance", you now have ignored the fact that I TOLD YOU I DO NOT BELONG TO **ANY** DENOMINATION! I NEVER HAVE belonged to the Jehovah's Witnesses. I know this is the denomination you refer to, because that is their doctrine and history. I ONLY know THAT because I read A LOT.
Here's something I say a lot that many (cough) Christians don't: "I could be wrong." And also "I don't know." I DO know that of all the peoples of the world, the muslims are the MOST anti-Christ. THEIR doctrines fall CLEARLY in line with the Revelation descriptions of the beast and the beast's ways. Maybe that star and moon symbol will be the mark, maybe it will be a tattoo, but what matters MOST is that, whether whole-heartedly following the beast or just an atheist trying to get along in the world, conversion to islam will be KEY.
And for the record, I scored a 97 percentile on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, went on to pass the Defense Languages Aptitude Battery (meaning I have a particular talent with languages) and the Auditory Perception test, am conversant in French, understandable in Spanish, I am a certified Braille Transcriber, and I can use the Oxford comma correctly. I think I can understand what I read.
But thank you for your prayers. THAT actually means a lot to me.